Saturday, January 28, 2012

Instagram Love

My obsession with instagram has reached an all-time high.  I love all the different filters and being able to "mupload" to Facebook is a great addition that I'm sure my Facebook friends hate.

Here are some of my instagram pictures from the past few weeks

{An afternoon trip to the pet store just for fun; my favorite coffee shop at school}

{A Friday night out with my friends}

{Pretty nail polish; a cup of yogi tea before bed}

{A snowstorm that hit home the day before I came back to school}

{Watching my Giants win against the Packers a few weeks ago}

I hope you're having a great Saturday! xo

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things I've Learned in College (Part One)

I successfully have re-adjusted to college life after over a month home on break.
It's great to be back and surrounded by my friends, and I love a majority of the classes I'm taking this semester.
Transitioning from living at home to living almost two hours away was difficult, but I've learned a few wonderful (and not so wonderful) things about college life.
{At our swim team Christmas party in December}

1)  It's never a good idea to go out and party before an 8 AM class or practice....
.... and yet for some reason week after week we go out anyway.  And we always regret it.  Gotta live while we're young!

2)  Too much money will be spent on coffee and Wawa...
.... but it's totally worth it.  (For those who don't know what Wawa is, it's a convenience store that always makes food and is open 24/7)

3)  The library becomes your second home....
... and you will have your favorite places to study.

4) There's always people around....
.... and therefore always someone to talk to when you need them.

5) College will be the best time of your life....
..... but when you do go home, you'll appreciate your family so much more. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bucket List


Now that I'm 18 and officially an adult, I thought it might be a good time to create "My Bucket List". There's so many things I want to do and instead of saying "Oh, let's do ___ one day", I think it's better to write it all down and commit to actually doing these things.  

I've had an ongoing list written on paper. I'll be updating the list as I come up with ideas.... but I absolutely can not wait to work on what I have as soon as possible! 


Sunday, January 15, 2012

This Week I....

.... treated myself to oatmeal, fresh strawberries, and fresh brewed coffee for a healthy breakfast.
..... didn't get out of my PJ's until well after noon for quite a few days
..... splurged on some new Lululemon (a scuba hoodie, infinity scarf, and headband) during a mini shopping trip with my friend
..... bought all new makeup that I feel gorgeous in
.... snuck frozen yogurt into the movie theater when I saw The Descendants (which was super sad and super awesome)
..... went out to lunch with my parents and grandparents, who are visiting from South Dakota
.... watched way too many episodes of Raising Hope 
.... got new glasses so that I can see in style

Sometimes the little treats during the week are a reminder of how much you love yourself.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I finally got over the stomach flu, but not after a full 4 days of it.  It was absolutely terrible, and I had to cancel my flight twice before finally being able to fly down on Sunday afternoon, only to have to return home again this morning.  I really only went down so I could meet with my foot doctor down there.  I know it sounds like a little much (to fly to Florida for a doctor's appointment), but I have had terrible experiences with the orthopedic doctors here, and my uncle is a doctor in Florida so he is able to make appointments for me with some amazing ones.  Plus, I have a ton of family there and a house, so it is really quite easy to spend a few nights there without paying a lot of money.

The news I got at the doctors was really upsetting.  When I broke my foot six weeks ago (which I still can't believe it's already been 6 weeks), I was told it would only take four to six weeks to heel.  I'm still in pain a bit, so I figured I'd probably have another week or so in the boot.  But the doctor told me I'd probably need another four to six weeks in the walking boot.  Basically, I'm not a happy camper.

In other news, how cute is the photo of me and my mama?  I love her!  It's from New Years Eve.

I have two more weeks at home until I go back to school.  I'm excited for the next semester, but also excited for some relaxing and hanging out with friends and family until then.  My grandparents are here from South Dakota for the next week, which is also exciting since I rarely see them.

What have you been up to lately? xo

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sick Day

I'm starting my new year off with a nasty case of the stomach flu or something similar.
I woke up this morning not feeling great, but since it's my gym day I dragged myself to do the limited workout I can right now and then went home, only to spend the rest of the day alternating between the bathroom and my couch.  

Having the flu with a broken foot may be the worst combo ever.

Here's hoping i feel better fast because I'm supposed to go back to Florida on Friday.

Be back soon {I hope}! xo

Sunday, January 1, 2012