Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm Back

Oh hey.....
I know, I've got some explaining to do.
Whenever people talk about "blogging breaks", I always used to kind of laugh.
"Why would one want a break?" I'd ask.  "It's so much fun!"
But i totally just took the nicest week long break from blogging.

It started when I accidentally deleted my twitter app on my IPhone.
At first I felt bare.  And then I didn't want to bring it back.
The lack of twitter in my life led to a lack of blogging.
But I've also had a completely insane week.

Don't you hate those weeks where you get a slew of good news AND a slew of bad news?
I feel so torn into which way to feel.
Should I cry?
Or should I be happy?

Obviously I already discussed my sister's surgery.  It's happening next weekend, which scares me to death.
Then I found out my dad needs a biopsy on his thyroid due to a lump.
I'm a totally daddy's girl, so this also scares me to death.
Then my friend's dad passed away at the age of 65.
So far, 4 of my friend's dads have died within the past 3 months.
Then I was completely betrayed by one of my closest friends.

On the other hand....

Summer officially started for me.
I started work, which mean three days of pure beach weather.
I went on a date (followed by a second, third, and even fourth) with an amazing guy.
*knock on wood I'm not jinxing anything here*
My best friend came home from college for the summer.
My other best friend graduated.
And I graduate two weeks from Friday!

As you can see, it's been quite the hectic week around these parts.
But I'm starting to get everything back together.
I'm ready to deal head on with the health scares my family is experiencing.
*I would really appreciate prayers though, if you could!*
And I'm ready to enjoy my last summer before college for all it's worth.

Here we go, friends.  It's going to be an AMAZING summer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My life in IPhone Photos

1. I got my nails painted yellow and i love the color. It's unusual and somewhat out there, but I love how chill and summery of a color it is.
2.  The cake I made for the Seniors on my swim team.
3.  My AP Art show was a few weeks ago and I finally got to showcase all of my hard work.
4.  My dinner the other night.  I'll post the recipe this week :)


Monday, May 23, 2011

Live A Little

No Namaste Monday tonight....
I was too busy....
on a date.....

Yes, you heard that right.
No, the world's not ending.
And no, pigs are not flying.

Tonight I went out of my comfort zone.
I lived a little.
And it was so worth it.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Style Story Sundays- Number 32: Prom

Special Prom Feature!

This past Friday was my Senior prom.  
It was especially special to me because I planned this thing top to bottom.
It's kind of funny how I spent so much time stressing out about it and then that one night happened and it was over!
But it was so worth it.
Initially I didn't think I was going to even go to prom.
I didn't have a date and was fed up with a few things going on at the time.
Then my friend asked me to go with him, and then those few things I was fed up with cleared up.
I'm so glad I went.
It was fun getting all dressed up and slipping on a pretty dress.
I kind of felt like Cinderella for the night.

Afterwards we went back to my friends house for the Post-Prom party.  I swear I slept maybe an hour the entire night, so I was completely exhausted yesterday, but it was very worth it.

Here is what I wore to Prom!

Dress: Nicole Miller
Necklace: JCrew
Shoes (Not Pictured): Kate Spade
Clutch: Lauren Merkin (borrowed from Mom)

Special Thanks:
Hair and Nails: Milagro Spa, Red Bank
Makeup: Bobbi Brown Counter at Blue Mercury, Shrewsbury
Tailoring: My Mother

So this was my prom look.  I knew right away when I saw this dress that it was "the one".  The color is absolutely stunning in my mind.  I knew right away I wanted to keep everything pretty natural and beachy.  I wanted to keep my hair down, but I love how my stylist pulled half of it back and twisted it.  It kept things a little more special since it was a special occasion.  I knew that since my dress was so formal and simple, that I wanted a more funky necklace.  I found this one at JCrew (you can see a better picture here) and I love how it looked like a sun a pulled the dress together!  The shoes were from Prom last year and the clutch is my mom's.  

The night was really special, but also because my friend Meghan came home for Prom.  She's been going to school with us FOREVER, but her dad got transferred to Switzerland in November and she's been there ever since.  She loves her new European life (she's in Jersey this weekend, but next weekend she's in London, and then Africa.  Jealous?  I am.), but we were happy she got to celebrate prom with all of us!

How was your weekend?  Do anything exciting?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Burning House

I posted this on Twitter the other day, and it is officially my new blog obsession.
The Burning House asks the question, if your house was on fire, what would you take?
I know they ask this question a lot in grade school, but I don't think we truly ever focus on it.
Our family and our pets are the obvious answers, but what else?
What is sentimental to you and can't be replaced?
Besides my family and dog, I'd probably go for my IPhone, some of my more sentimental jewelry, photographs from when i was younger, and my card collection.

I'd love to one day capture my own image showing what is special to me.
In the meantime, here are my favorite images from The Burning House.

Check it out!
I'll be back later tonight to discuss my weekend! xo

*All names are linked to their personal blogs, as stated on The Burning House.
Go to The Burning House to see a description of each item.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



{I've had this saved for awhile now.  I remember having a terrible night and just wishing something would make me feel better.  Writing seems to always do the trick, doesn't it?}

Ever since I was little, when I was upset and crying, when the tears poured down my face, I would climb into the shower.
I chose to seek solace in the warm water, which ran down my face like raindrops.  
I would stand under the shower head for what seemed like hours.
Maybe it had to do with my years of being a swimmer, being emerged in the water.
Maybe it had to do with the comfort that water seemed to bring to me.
Whatever it was, to this day, I still go into the shower to let the tears flow.

I used to think the reason I did it was because I liked the gentle feeling of the water against my skin.
That the soft hum of the shower, the drops against the tile, and way it hit my skin brought a glimmer of joy.
I used to think the steam could wash away the problems.

But one day I realized the true reason I sought the shower for comfort when the storm in my life brewed.
I went to the shower because, for those 10 minutes or so, the stream of water hitting my face made everything okay.
The stream of water mixed with my tears and made me forget that I was crying; that everything was not okay.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Namaste Monday: 2011 Yoga Journal Conference

The atmosphere in my last session was so full of life.  This is the only photo I managed to capture all day, and I think it sums everything up perfectly
So for this week's Namaste Monday, I thought I'd share my experience from Saturday.
On Saturday I went to the 2011 Yoga Journal Conference held at the Hilton in NYC.
I chose to sign up for the day pass instead of the weekend because I went with a few of the teachers and the owner of the studio I work at.

Let me say this: It was an incredible experience and I would to it again in a heartbeat!  In fact, I can't wait to come home from college next year to do participate again!

I woke up at 5 AM to head into the city to make it in time for the 8 AM class, the first of the day.  The day was split in three two-hour sessions.  I pre-registered for the classes I wanted to participate in, and once I signed in, I received my badge and goodie bag.
I LOVED the goodie bag they gave us.  It was a reusable tote filled with Luna Bars, Coconut Milk, an awesome Gaiam metal water bottle, and a bunch of coupons/ body product samples.  After I had time to sort through my loot, I headed into my first class.

Session One: Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga: Yoga for Athletes with Sadie Nardini
Let me say this: this girl is INCREDIBLE.  I had actually never heard of her and had signed up for the class mainly because I'm an Athlete and wanted to see her view of yoga for athletes.  But she has this completely relaxed teaching style and she's actually hilarious.  She talked about how doing yoga AFTER we run, swim, bike, or do any physical activity is much more important then BEFORE.  She said that we gain 75% more muscle if we stretch after a workout then if we don't.  How amazing is that?  She showed us how to change different postures that we already do to make them more effective for an athlete.  Simple things, such as grabbing the straight leg in Pigeon or changing how we do boat pose can affect how we use our strength.  What I love was her new way to go through the vinyasa flow.  Instead of going from Down Dog to plank to Cobra to Down Dog again in such a stiff way, she told us to be like a wave and roll our body.  I loved that idea because it helps lengthen us instead of shortening our muscles. She said to use the "fire" in our stomach to use our core in EVERYTHING.  But, and this is what I loved, she said that we often suck our stomachs in when teachers tell us to "use our core".  Obviously, it's terrible to do that with yoga because it constricts our breathing.  So she said to focus on the breathing flowing up through our body in the inhale, and down in the exhale.  She said we need to relax our stomach instead of tightening them.  Such a good idea!  I really loved how she talked about how we control our own destinies, and if we're not happy with something we have the power to change it.  I'll do a post one day about yoga for athletes, but if you ever get an opportunity to take a workshop with Sadie, I highly suggest it.  

After Session One, we had about thirty minutes to head to Session Two.

Session Two: Yoga Sweat with Beth Shaw
I chose this class because of the title and description.  I love hot yoga, so I was interested in participating in a heated class.  But more importantly, I wanted to learn about the good/ bad of hot yoga, who should not be doing hot yoga, and modifications of special needs populations, all of which the description said we'd learned.  And we learned none of that.  I was actually very disappointed with this class.  Don't get me wrong, it was a great workout (we did a lot of core postures) but the class wasn't heated and it felt a lot like a pilates class.  I guess I should have known, considering Beth Shaw is the one who started YogaFit for fitness instructors, but the whole thing wasn't what I was looking for.  Although she gave us a lovely Savasana at the end!  Which was just what I needed.

After Session Two, I was already in need of a nap.  That was four hours of yoga right there!  I still had three hours until my last class though.  I think there shouldn't have been three hours in between the sessions since it was a little too much time, but I found plenty to do.  I could have taken advantage of the guest speakers that were doing free lectures, which I sort of wish I had done, but I enjoyed my free time. I spent the first part of it in the Yoga Marketplace.  It was a huge area where different yoga stores set up shops and sold their products at discounted prices.  They had everything from big names like Gaiam and Lululemon to smaller specialty shops with jewelry.
I picked up cute yoga pants from Wisdom and Co. (the pants are awesome because they spell Namaste in yoga characters on the band), a lotus and tree of life necklace from Satya Jewelry (I've been looking for one for forever and this was perfect!), a striped shirt from Hard Tail, and some awesome yoga cookie cutters from The Kitchen Yogi (how cute are they?)!  The best part was everything was marked down for the event.  I think the necklace I go was usually $120 and I got it for like $40!

Following our shopping spree, we went for a quick lunch at a little salad joint, then headed to our third class.  

Session Three: Fire and Flow: Agni Namaskar with Shiva Rea 
I was so happy and surprised to get into a class with Shiva Rea.  She is an extraordinary and extremely popular yoga teacher.  I could see why- she was amazing.  We started the entire session off with maracas and drums and danced!  It was a little surprising but great all in all.  Then she lead us through a vigorous vinyasa series complete with 108 pushups!  I wished her session was first- I was exhausted from doing the two previous sessions so I didn't enjoy the class as much as I could have.  But it was great!  She talked about how it's mind over matter and there is a fire in all of us that controls what we do.  She discussed that the fire within us can bring changes.  Before every set of pushups (we did sets of 12), she would say something encouraging like "You are BEAUTIFUL" or "You are ENLIGHTENED".  It was very encouraging and she seemed so sweet and down to earth.  And energetic!  

All in all, the conference was amazing and if you live in an area where they offer one, you should go!  I loved being able to take classes with such highly respected teachers!  It was certainly and honor and such a fun day!  I am totally feeling the affects of 6 hours of yoga though!  I'm still sore!
But it did make me realize how much I love the role yoga plays in my life.  It was also so inspiring to see people who make yoga there life.

Have you ever been to a Yoga Journal Conference?  Have you ever had the chance to work with an amazing teacher?  xo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Style Story Sundays- Number 31: Tribal

Hey everyone!
I know this week's Style Story Sunday is super late.
It's been such a busy- but wonderful- Sunday.
The conference yesterday was amazing.  I'll talk more about it in tomorrow's Namaste Monday post.
This morning I woke up incredibly sore.  But my Mom and I took a trip over to the local Farmer's Market.  It started raining, so we didn't stay long, but we picked up a few vegan things and some organic juices.

After, I went to my class and taught the kids.  Then, my friend Grace came over for dinner.  
All in all, a pretty good day!

Here's some pictures from Florida.
This was for a day out shopping.
This is what I wore:

Shirt: LF Stores
Tank: No tag
Necklace: Anthropologie
Shorts: JCrew
Sandals: Free People
Bag: Lucky Brand (gift)

I feel like this outfit completely explains who I am, and I find myself drawn to outfits similar to this all the time.  I love lace- but unique lace, not cheap lace.  I love how this white lace looks with the orange tank underneath.  Paired with a long necklace and shorts, it was the perfect outfit for a hot day.  These shoes are my favorite- they were such a great find!  And I love this bag.  It's all embroidered and has adjustable straps to become a cross body bag!

Tomorrow's my Senior Skip Day, so I have plans to run some errands and catch up on sleep.
Have a great night! xo

Friday, May 13, 2011

Seniors 2011

Last night officially marked the countdown to graduation.  I had my senior swim banquet for my swim team.  I gave my speech and got my senior gifts.  It is something I have been looking forward to since I joined the team eleven years ago, so it was bittersweet.  But I'll still be at practice until I leave in August, so it's not quite so sad, yet.

Today was Day one of our senior prank day.  Let me say this- I think senior pranks can be hilarious.  Ours was no exception.  It started last night for half my grade.  They camped out all night.  I joined them around 6:30 AM and brought everyone coffee.  We took out some grills and started making egg and cheese sandwiches and blasting music.  It was hilarious seeing all the teachers faces as they drove onto campus!
Then, at about 10 AM, as all the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors were walking to the dining hall for break, we took out over 100 water balloons and 5 water guns and had a huge water balloon fight.  I'll admit, that was a little mean, and the principal was not happy- but it was absolutely hysterical as kids grabbed garbage bags to keep themselves dry.  They thought it was pretty funny too :)

Here are some pictures from the banquet and this morning's breakfast!

It's crazy how fast this year went.  Like I said, last night marks the last few weeks until I graduate in about a month.  Next week I have Senior Awards, Senior Skip Day, Prom, and last day of classes.
The week after is Days of Service.  Then is the first day of work, followed by Senior thesis presentations, and finally Senior dinner week and Graduation!
It's going to an absolutely insane next few weeks, but I can't wait.

Speaking of exciting things, tomorrow I'm going to NYC to participate in the Yoga Journal NY Conference.  I can't wait, and I've signed up for some very exciting classes/ lectures.  Are any of you going/ have you been?  
I'll be back with my experience!
Have a great weekend! xo

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Iconic Females

I have a board on my pinterest where I post photographs of musicians, actors, and humanitarians I consider to define the word "iconic".
Lately, I've been noticing something interesting.
I consider a lot of people from before my time to be iconic, but there are also those select few from these past few years that I think will go right up there in history with the Marilyns and Audreys as people we will relate to. 

I know we are all surrounded by the Snookies, Lindsay's, and Paris Hilton's of the world, but it is important to remember the individuals of our past that have an amazing influence on society, and recognize those here today as contributors to the future.

Here is my Iconic List, then and now:


Grace Kelly
Elizabeth Taylor

Audrey Hepburn

Bridget Bardot
Ella Fitzgerald
Jane Birkin
Zelda Fitzgerald

Marilyn Monroe

Sofia Coppola
Drew Barrymore
Alison Sudol
Gwyneth Paltrow
Sandra Bullock
Kate Hudson (in Almost Famous)

Amy Adams
Kate Winslet

Goldie Hawn

Reese Witherspoon
Florence Welch

Of course, this is just a fraction of the iconic females that have changed our world.  But I think the "Now" category deserves just as much credit as the "Then" category.

Who are your most iconic individuals in history?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May Music Playlist

I know, I know, this playlist is super late.
How is it already May 10th?
I have no idea.
Anyway, here's this month's playlist!
{I really love this one :)}

May Playlist

Secret Love         Stevie Nicks 
Pumped Up Kicks            Foster the People
Wolf like Me            TV on the Radio
Ambling Alp         Yeasayer
Heart of Glass       Blondie
Katydid       Will Stratton
One Two Three Four     Falcon and the Punches

Speaking of records {don't you love this picture?} I went into my local variety store to find that they have started selling used records!  I got a Blondie record for $4!  Even the cashier was surprised at my lucky find :)
By the way, anyone else feel like this is the longest week ever?  I'm d-y-i-n-g over here!  So much to do.

Have a great night!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Namaste Monday: Chakras

All of our emotions, feelings, and choices define who we are.
How we feel also defines the choices we make.

Happiness brings us closer to the people around us.
Sadness brings us deeper into our shell.

And all of this involves what the yoga world calls the Chakras.
Most people think of yoga as a physical practice.  I get that.  I don't feel like I'm treating my body right when I don't go to my yoga class once a week, and I haven't been in two weeks (thanks Prom, Senior Projects, Graduation practices, and swimming for that).  But yoga is so much more then that, and that's what i try to explain every week.

Our body is made up of seven energy bodies, called Chakras.  These are located throughout the body and hold certain lessons and imbalances that influence our lives.  When one chakra is out of balance, these lessons are affected and lead to the imbalances we experience.

The chakras are as follows:
{From top to bottom} 

1) Crown Chakra
Location: top of the head
Color: violet
Lessons: Knowingness.  Connections to God or whatever higher power you believe in.  Integrity in the universe.  
Imbalances: Headaches.  Mental illnesses.  Skin rashes.
Ways to open your crown chakra and prevent imbalances: Journaling.  Focusing on dreams.  Wearing violet clothing.  Using lavender essential oils.

2) Brow Chakra
Location: In between the eyes
Color: Indigo
Lessons: Intuition.  Called the third eye.  Self-realization
Imbalances:  Learning disabilities.  Sleep disorders. Mouth, jaw, neck and shoulder problems.  Mood swings.  PMS.
Ways to open your Brow Chakra and prevent imbalances: Star gazing.  Meditation.  Wearing indigo clothing.  Using patchouli essential oils.

3) Throat Chakra
Location: Throat region
Color: Blue
Lessons:  Relationships.  Learning to trust and express yourself.  Loyalty.  
Imbalances: Fevers and flu.  Swollen glands.  PMS.
Ways to open your Throat Chakra and prevent imbalances:  Singing.  Poetry.  Conversations.  Wearing blue clothing.  Using Chamomile essential oils.

4) Heart Chakra
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Lessons: Relationships.  Love and compassion. Self control.  Forgiveness.  Acceptance.
Imbalances: Heart and breathing disorders.  Chest Pain.  Breast Cancer.  
Ways to open your Heart Chakra and prevent imbalances: Nature walks.  Spending time with family and friends.  Wearing green clothing. Using pine essential oils.

5) Solar Plexus
Location: Above the navel
Color: Yellow
Lessons: Personal power.  Free thinking.  Self control.  Self confidence.  Humor
Imbalances: Digestive problems. Diabetes. Constipation.  Nervousness.
Ways to open your Solar Plexus chakra and prevent imbalances: Doing mind puzzles.  Reading.  Learning.  Sunshine.  Wearing yellow clothing.  Using lemon essential oils.

6) Spleen Chakra
Location: Lower abdomen
Color: Orange
Lessons: Feelings.  Social issues.  Intimacy issues.
Imbalances: Eating disorders.  Depression.  Lower back pain.  Allergies.  Urinary problems.
Ways to open your Spleen Chakra and prevent imbalances: Hot baths.  Water aerobics.  Massages.  Wearing orange clothing.  Using orange essential oils.

7) Root Chakra
Location: Base of spine
Color: Red
Lessons: Survival.  Dealing with the material and physical world.  Standing up for oneself.  Security.
Imbalances: Depression.  Anemia.  Fatigue.  Frequent colds.
Ways to open your Root chakra and prevent imbalances: physical exercise.  Sleep.  Gardening.  Wearing red clothing.  Using sandalwood essential oils.

I'm not saying I agree with all of the above information.  But if you think about it, some of it does make sense.  For instance, don't you feel depressed with you are fighting with someone?  Spleen Chakra.  What about when your feeling stressed about work?  Root Chakra.  Ever feel chest pain after a breakup? Heart Chakra.  

Our bodies are more complex then you can ever believe.  That's why it's so important to take care of them and respect the energy that runs throughout them.  I'll talk more about the energy body, but I think this is an important overview.  And I love the suggestions for balancing your chakras!

Do you believe in the chakras?  Do you notice a connection?
Is yoga a spiritual, emotional, or physical practice for you?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Style Story Sundays- Number 30: Maxi Skirt

This outfit is from my Spring break in Florida a few weeks ago.
{Has it really been a few weeks? Gosh.}

I'm missing the beach and relaxation that vacations offer, but luckily it's warmed up a bit here so the shock isn't so bad.
In fact, I did some Spring cleaning today.  I put away all the really thick chunky sweaters and took out the shorts and summer dresses.
Of course, I kept a few sweaters out because I know I just totally jinxed myself.

Here's what I wore in Florida:

Shirt: JCrew
Skirt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Sam Edelman
Necklace: Free People

Let's start with the shirt.  I love this shirt.  They're paper thin, soft, and loose tanks.  I picked up three in a few different colors and I love the variety they offer.  I can easily wear them with jean shorts on a casual day, or under a leather jacket for going out.  As for the skirt, no words can express my love for it.  I've been wanting a maxi skirt for awhile, but I didn't want to look like an Amish schoolgirl.  This one is flattering, and moves with each step.  Paired with the sandals and funky necklace, it was perfect for a casual dinner out.

Have a great night!
And Happy Mother's Day!
Check out the post I did in honor of my Mom here