Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009

here's to you, 2009
you brought the good and the bad
the ups and the downs
i'm not going to lie, you gave me some real difficult days.
but you also brought some of the best days of my life.

i had fun at semi formal.
i lost my grandpa to a heart attack.
i went to boston for the first time.

i ran my first half-marathon.

i started this blog.
i met olympic swimmer dara torres.

i spent a weekend in baltimore with my friends.

i got older (and i like to think wiser).

my uncle had a heart attack.
i went to the no doubt concert.

i went to the fray concert.

i spent a week in rhode island.
i {finally} went to hawaii with the family

i became a yoga teacher.
i completely my second triathlon.
i made new, amazing friends.
and let go of old, bad ones.
i spent a few days in phili.

i was rushed to the emergency room, spent three hours in emergency surgery, and three days in the hospital.
i spent over a month recovering, and had to relearn a lot of things.
i had my heart broken.
 i spent christmas in florida.

i did my first guest post.

you made me laugh.
you made me cry.
i was happy.
i was sad.
i was stressed out.
i danced, sang, played in snow, played in sand.
i grew up.
i grew stronger.
i learned so much about life this year.
you brought my family and friends together during the good and bad times in ways i never thought was possible.

so here's to you 2009.
if you asked me a couple days ago i would have said i wouldn't miss you at all.
you took away my grandpa and brought my uncle to the hospital.
and oh goodness you gave me a HUGE reality check.
sitting in the hospital before surgery hearing the doctors tell me i might not wake up completely changed my life.

and maybe it's a good thing you did.
sitting here i realize, maybe you weren't so bad after all.
look at the list.
more good things than bad happened this year.

thank you, 2009.
for teaching me about life, and love, and happiness.
for teaching me to take a moment and count my blessings because everything can change in a second.
for forcing me to grow up.
because of you, my life is better.

and thank you, blog readers.
for listening to my ramblings.
to putting up with crazy pictures.
for being there during the bad days and the good days.
i never imagined i'd ever have people read my blog.
i can honestly say i've made some very good friends here.

i hope each and every one of you have an amazing new years eve.
2010 is going to be amazing, i can already tell.
there's a lot thats gonna happen over here at purple monkey.
i can't wait to find out.

lots of love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous you got to see The Fray! I love them.
    It looks like you had quite a 2009- Happy 2010!


i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo