today i woke up thinking "it will be a great day. not even just a great day, but a great week."
it could have something to do with the things i am absolutely loving about this week:
*the fact that it's 80 degrees out today and only supposed to get warmer. something about warm weather makes me so happy.
*the fact that since i dropped my psychology major (more on that), i get to drop my psychology lab for the semester and therefore have tuesday, thursdays, and fridays after 11 AM completely free.
*the fact that Jane Goodall is coming to speak to my school on thursday. Monkeys and Gorillas make me happy. is it bad i'm sort of hoping that she brings one?
*the fact that my baby sister is now seventeen. actually it makes me sad, but i'm happy for her that she got her license.
*the fact that in six weeks i will be moving to london for the summer. the fact that this is happening is incredible.
*the fact that i have my car back on campus. having the freedom to drive myself when i need to pick something up is a great thing.
*the fact that i have incredible friends and family that love me for who i am. now, that makes me really happy.
what is making you happy today?
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