Thursday, February 14, 2013

happy valentine's day!

happy valentine's day! 
let me set the record straight: i am in no way a big fan of this holiday.
it has nothing to do with the fact that i'm single and more with the fact that i firmly believe you should celebrate the people you love every.  single.  day.  there shouldn't be one specific holiday dedicated to that because it's a daily occurrence.

regardless, there are a few things i love about this day.  i think the red hearts everywhere are oh so cute and it's the one day that being sappy is completely okay.

I had this big cool post planned but then got a fever and the stomach flu yesterday so spent the entire day in bed.

oh well.
i'm feeling better now which counts!
and this video makes up for it.

any big plans for tonight? xo

1 comment:

i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo