Thursday, January 3, 2013

Would You Wear.....?

As I mentioned, there will be many changes coming to this little blog.  I've been brainstorming and one of the new series I will be trying out is called Would You Wear...?

One of my "goals" for 2012 (which you will see in tomorrow's "24 in 12" pos) is to expand my fashion sense.  Would You Wear....? is a way to explore fashion trends, some of which I will try and some of which I will simply ask your opinion! 

So... to kick this off.... ELLE said the fall 2012 nail trend was a "camp" green color.
So, I have to ask, would you wear dark green nail polish?


I tried Julep's Emilie nail polish and I'm in love with the color.  As someone who used to normally only paint my nails in a pale, pale pink, I've become very experimental with nail polish and this color is a great alternative to darker nail colors like black and dark blue if that's too gothic for you.  While I love this color, green personally doesn't look good on me, so it's nice to be able to wear it on my nails.

What do you think?  Would you try this out? 


  1. I would love a more emerald green color, just because it's not really my style. I'm more drawn to really dark colors and to pinks/reds!
    xo, Maria

    1. i love really dark colors too... which is weird because most of my clothes are lighter colored!

  2. Go for it! If you can find an even darker green color that might be even better. The best part of nail polish is it's completely non-committal; if you don't like it, you can take it off right away.

    1. i know- that's why i love nail polish so much!


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