Saturday, January 5, 2013

24 in 12

I've done this before- usually around my birthday, and this year I'm excited to do this at the start of the year.  It's like resolutions, except instead of going cold turkey I would like to gradually accomplish these goals throughout the year!
These are 24 things I'd like to do in 12 months; I'll do a few updates throughout the year to see how I'm doing!  I like posting these here because it keeps me accountable.  


do you have any goals for the upcoming year?  xo


  1. I need to add some of these things to my list. I totally bite my nails and need to donate more clothes. Happy New Year girl!

  2. I'm a new reader to your blog. I'm an Across the Pond reader and found you through Meg. I love this idea and I may try to make my own list!


i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo