Monday, January 21, 2013

snapshots from my weekend

                            ^reunited with my puppy // 
                                                          ^a stop here for hot chocolate              
^lattes before a day of shopping
^a NYC sunset while waiting for the ferry 
^bonding with Zoe and my sister Caroline
^I was craving a donut and this raspberry creme one was perfect 
^waiting for the ferry in the morning and seeing the skyline 
^a sweet gift waiting for me on my bed when I got home on Friday {thanks mama!}
^days spent with my gorgeous mama are the best kinds of days

this weekend I got to go home and it was really needed.  it's been hard being back at school while everyone is technically on break.  i'm really {really} sad to be back now since I enjoy being with my family so much, but the next few weeks are super busy so it's time to get my head in the game and get back on track.  
I have two more weeks of swimming before I'm done {done!} for the season, and classes start a week from today.  I have a meet on Saturday, and, as Director of my sororities' philanthropy, it's up to me to plan our Heart Health Week that's at the end of February.  Like I said, extremely busy, but I'm excited to get back to work!

How was your weekend? xo 


  1. Wow!!!i'm in love with your blog...wonderful pics!!!

  2. Amazing pics! I'd like to go to NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'd love a weekend at home too! In always eat sweet treats and look forward to seeing the people and things I miss too!

  4. That's so cute your mom got your a Valentine pillow. Moms are the best. It looks like you had a relaxing weekend.

  5. Awww, I remember what it was like going back to school, and really wishing I could just stay home with my friends and family. I'm going to have to catch up with the rest of your blog!

    Thanks for linking up with us on Life Lately this week!

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle


i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo