Friday, November 19, 2010

fill in the Blank Friday: Thanksgiving edition

i'm currently at home stuck in bed with a bad cold.
it sucks, especially since the boy and best friend come home this weekend, but i've been spending the day reading blogs and catching up on tv.  it's nice.  sleeping until 11 am didn't hurt either.  here's fill in the blank friday!
thanks lauren!

1.   My Thanksgiving plans this year will include       eating large amounts of food, going for a morning run, and watching the parade on TV .

2.  My favorite Thanksgiving was   the ones at my grandparents house where we'd all eat dinner, then spend hours decorating their christmas tree with christmas music playing.  it was so festive.  .

3.  My signature Thanksgiving dish is       a pumpkin tart.  it's so yummy!  .

4.  My favorite Thanksgiving food is   spinach dip, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce.   .

5.  Thanksgiving free association!      handmade garland, hours spent in front of the tv watching parade, phone calls with my grandmother, pumpkin pie, watching elf on tv following thanksgiving dinner.

6.  Thansgiving is        the start to the most wonderful season of all  .

7.  I am thankful for       a loving and supportive family.  a best friend who i can talk to about anything.  a dog that lights up my life.  a home.  food to eat.  my health.  warm scarves    .

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