Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seven Things!

One of my blogger friends, Jackie from Exp0sed Brick, tagged me today!

i love her blog!  so... here are 7 random things about me (that you probably don't know)

1.  i sing at the top of my lungs.  everywhere.  in the shower.  in the car.  in my room.  and let me tell you i have a terrible voice.  and if i don't know the words to whatever song is on, i make them up.  as you can tell, this can get very frustrating for whoever is with me.

2.  when i was little, i had a favorite stuffed animal and named it Bubba.  In fact, I still have Bubba.  Anyway, I would sleep with him every night when i was little.  But then I got worried that all my beanie babies and other stuffed animals would get upset.  So i put them in bed with me too.  Except then there was no room for me.  So I slept in a ball at the end of my bed.  Not very comfortable.

3.  In 7th grade my science teacher gave us all mini trees to plant on earth day.  i planted mine in my backyard.  i loved it.  i haven't checked in many years, but i hope it's still there.

4.  i have dance parties in my house.  i turn up the music and just dance.  it's such a mood booster.

5.  i love fruit.  like seriously, i eat more fruit then anything.  it's an obsession.

6.  the only reason i no how to spell bananas is from gwen stefani's hollaback girl.  i still sing that song in my head every time i need to spell bananas.  which now that i think about it isn't a lot.

7.  when i was 11 i opened my own soap store.  i made soaps and candles and sold them to friends and family.  it was so much fun, and i loved experimenting with different essential oils.  i'd love to go back to it, and maybe put it into my upcoming etsy shop** one day, but it's so time-consuming.  and really expensive.

yay!  that was fun!  okay now i tag:  camilla, claire, erin, nicole, jessica, christine, and janel!

also check me out at James' Bluebird Vintage blog!  I'm part of her show and tell round two :)

so exciting!
night loves

**the Purple Money etsy shop will open next weekend (hopefully).  For now, i'll be selling art prints and photographs.  eventually i'll expand to jewelry and headbands.  and, until February 6th, all proceeds will go to Haitian relief!

i'm so excited :)


  1. dance parties are the absolute best:) you are adorable! thanks for tagging me. i have to do an awards post soon!

  2. Okay Jackie, I'm on it:)
    I like your blog, its so sweet!

  3. Thanks for the tag! I'll get on it right now.... :)

  4. Lol I loved reading these! I used to think the same thing about my stuffed animals too! Your dance parties sound awesome, my daughter and I always dance around too. You should listed to Keasha's new album (I never heard of her until a week ago), but it is GREAT for a dance day! Oh and fruit ROCKS!

  5. thanks everyone! i'm glad to know i'm not the only one who loves dance parties :)


i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo