Saturday, January 2, 2010

24 in 12 Part 1

Hi friends.
I hope everyone had an amazing 2nd day of 2010 (promise i wont do that everyday!)
Today and Tomorrow I'm going to share my 24 in 12 goals.  What's that might you ask?

it's 24 things I'd love to do in 12 months.
or, if you really want to use your math skills here, 2 things per month.

here are the first 12 things!

1)  start an etsy shop
i've already expressed my interest in this... but it's something i would love to do!

2) go to two amazing concerts
last year i went to 3, but two of them were in the summer.  my friends and i had a BLAST rocking out to music outside and i can't wait to do it again this year.

3)  fill up 2 art journals.
i started one.... but i never take enough time to work on it.  i'd love to try to fill up two between now and next year.  (maybe one day i'll give you a glimpse of it :))

4)  learn to knit.
i'm tired of spending money on hats.  i know i can make my own.

5)  take more pictures
for my photo wall (see yesterdays post)

6)  travel
in '09 i traveled so much.... hawaii, florida, boston, baltimore, phili, rhode island
some of them were just for the weekend... but overall i had an amazing time seeing the country.

i've already planned my first 2010 trip!  i'm going to paris in april :)

7)  bake 100 new things
i love to back, and this year want to try 100 NEW recipes.
(and yes, that does coincide with my goal of eating healthier.  oh well)
» 月姫 Moonprincess ♥ -

8)  paint more.
my room is filled with paintings i've done... but i'd love to create more!

9)  focus more on my yoga practice.
as in, be able to stand on my head WITHOUT a wall :)
The Cool Hunter - Travel
10)  make my swimming comeback
after taking a month off from my 6 day a week, 2 hour intense swim practice because of the surgery, i'm ready to start working hard to lower my times.
and maybe maybe get recruited in the process? :)

11)  redecorate my room
and my florida room.
oh and bestie asked me to re-do hers.
whoa.  i should get started on this....

12)  volunteer more
give back to the community that gives me so much

i'll give you the other 12 tomorrow!

source: we heart it


  1. what a great list! I fully support the baking one :) its the best!

  2. my favorite one too! 100 new things is a super huge challenge... but i love it :)

  3. great resolutions hun!
    i will stick with mine if you stick with yours <3

    we have a couple of the same ones, good choices



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