Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh the Holidays

hi hi blogger friends!
my apologizes for the lack of postings this week.
it was our last week of classes before break and things got super busy.
i'm absolutely exhausted right now.
in fact, last night i was already to do a post and had half of it written out.... then i fell asleep.
oh well.

helloooooo winter break!

which means:
bleached bottle brush trees two on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
( oh, hello friend. ) you are loved.

(this was last years Christmas tree)

christmas is only 7 days away!

this weekend jersey will be seeing this:

yeah... that's a lot of snow.

but i won't be there to enjoy it....
i'll be enjoying this:

 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
beach on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Beach by ~isabelELITE on deviantART

i'm going to be spending christmas with my family in.....
FFFFOUND! | CT_Greetings_Florida.jpg (JPEG Image, 1590x1005 pixels) - Scaled (66%)

i'm so excited.  both my uncle and grandma live there, so we're planning on spending 10 days with them in the sun sun sun!
it's always a little strange spending christmas in florida... we don't do the traditional christmas morning or have a tree to look at in florida.... and it's strange being on the beach listening to "frosty the snowman".
but it's gonna be a hard christmas for us... it's the first one without my grandpa... which is why its super important that we're spending it all together.  and i am a huge believer that it doesn't matter where you spend the holidays.... it matters who you spend them with.

that being said....
wanna know where i'll be at 6 am tomorrow morning?
nope not where most normal people are on a saturday morning
un peu de douceur... - Il paraît que: le petit carnetcoupdegrâce.

i'll be on this.

we originally had a 1 pm flight scheduled... which would have given me the opportunity to go to the gym in the morning and not rush.  but because of the major snow storm heading to jersey, we're taking the 6 am flight to avoid delays.

last year at this time i spent a night in the airport because of a huge delay.
this was totally me.... he he
Leanne Eisen - Baltimore Washington International Airport

and that 24 hour starbucks?  yea... totally closes at 9.
not fun.
so even though i have to wake up at 3 am tomorrow (eek.).. i'll be somewhere warm and gorgeous with my family and the people i love be 10 am.  

off to finish packing!
i'll def be posting during the trip!
happy friday night everyone!

source:; weheartit


  1. Esh, i feel you! I had to be at the airport this morning at 4:30...way too early if you ask me!

  2. oh goodness that is early. yeah i was there by 5 am and i'd rather not do that again! hopefully you had a good trip!


i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo