i promise i'm still alive!
sorry for the blog silence these past few weeks. i seriously have no clue where the time went.
i literally have been so busy lately i have had no clue what to do. life lately has seen exams on exams and papers on papers and any free second was spent catching up with friends, going to the gym or sleeping.
in the back of my mind, i knew i needed to blog, but when you're that busy, sometimes it is easy to forget.
but such is life!
i'm now in florida relaxing on my spring break and i'm so happy to be back with my family. zoe is even here with us, and it's so cute teaching her how to swim!
here are some scenes from the past few weeks.... when i wasn't studying! how have you been?? xo
{top: catching up with my big, lauren, and my big big, bethann, at one of our formal events}
{bottom left: my three best friends; bottom right: the view from the library on a sunny morning}
{top: unexpected march snow}
{top: celebrating my roommate sarah's birthday}
{bottom: a little st. patty's day luck}
{bottom: volunteering at the animal shelter; a fairy party with my big}

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i'd love for you to say hi! i normally try to reply to your comment here! xo